Serving East Anglia, Daniel presents a traditional Punch and Judy show filled with all the usual fun and laughter this British institution has given us for over 350 years.

This classic show includes all the usual characters including Punch, Judy, Joey the Clown, PC Smellypants, the Devil and who couldn't forget the snappy crocodile. 

Whether it's a single show or a series throughout the day, we will cater for whatever requirements you may need. Indoors or outdoors this fully contained show with its own amplification comes in the form of beautifully decorated traditional red and white striped booth that will be an instant draw at any event.

Before the show the audience is entertained with magic, games and audience participation getting them ready to scream at the sausage stealing crocodile and booing the baddies.

Available for fetes, schools, carnivals, tourist attractions or any public event any time of the year.

Daniel brought Punch and Judy back to the beach at Gorleston after an absence of over 30 years. Recently seen in Susan Calman's Grand Week by the Sea and Motorhoming with Merton and Webster for Channel 5.

We perform all over Norfolk and Suffolk so why not contact Daniel to book a show or more information.